On the 14th day that Sumo tournament of Summer, there was match of Hakuho vs Harumafuji, May 21.
The Yokozuna each other of the match, Hakuho won Harumafuji in “Yorikiri” , Hakuho was 14 wins and 0 losses. For 1 loss of Kisenosato was defeated, Hakuho’s victory was decided.
Hakuho became a two tournament consecutive 37th victory, was stretched to the winning streak of 28 continued from the last tournament. he said “This victory is happy. The following is work hard with the goal of total 1000 wins” .
Other that, Terunofuji losed Goeido in “Oshidashi”. Terunofuji became a 12-match losing streak. He was tied as the most losing streak record of Ozeki.
■Some other results
Kakuryu(11-3)won Kisenosato(12-2)
Hakuho(14-0) won Harumafuji(10-4)
Goeido(9-5)won Terunofuji(2-12)
Kotoshogiku(9-5)won Yoshikaze(6-8)
Endo(11-3)won Takayasu(9-5)