There was a game of Nipponham Fighters vs Orix Buffalows at Tokyo Dome, May 10.
This game, Shohei Otani hitted solo homer in 2nd inning, and Kensuke Tanaka hitted 2-run homer in 3rd inning. So Fighters was in the lead.
Then in 5th inning, Brandon Laird hitted an big home run, Finally Fighters won the game 4:0.
Flying Laird’s home run estimated 140m, hitted the signboard of KIRIN Beer at left-center stand. so he got one million yen(≒$10,000)and 1 year’s worth of beer from this beer company.
The outfield part of Tokyo Dome, are lined up many Advertising signboard. If player’s ball hit the signboard, get 1 million yen and prize from that company. Since stadium’s opening in 1990, 96 times hitted to the signboard. The player that most of hit the signboard is Hideki Matsui(Yomiuri Giants, Newyork Yankees, etc), 9 times. Ichiro Suzuki(Florida Marlins) was also hit once.
In addition, most hit signboards is KIRIN beer(Laird hitted, red frame of photo), 26 times. and The second is SECOM.co ltd(Security company, blue frame of photo), 14 times. For Tokyo Dome, left-center and rigth-center are narrow, so Easy to hit a home run in this two signboard.
■Other games result
Swallows 3:6 Carp(Kristofer Michael Johnson took 4th victory)
Baystars 3:6 Dragons(Yu Sato is the first victory in debut)
Hawks 2:1 Marines(Nicolas van den Hurk is 14-game winning streak from debut, New record)