There was a game of Rakuten Eagles vs Chiba Lotte Marines at Kobo stadium Miyagi, May 5.
Hideaki Wakui of Marines & Jacob Daniel Brigham of Eagles were the starting pitchers, Up to six times, the game was close in 3:3.
then, both teams was the scorer, Exit 8 inning, Eagles took the lead 1 point, 8:7. but Yuki Matsui of the Eagles’s relief pitcher is struck, Marines was won by 15:8.
Last season, Matsui did not get only 7 points, but he had been taken just 6 points today.
■Other game results
Giants 4:2 Carp(Tomoyuki Sugano is 4th win in complete games)
Baystars 4:2 Swallows(Takayuki Kajitani of Baystars done the home steel)
Dragons 0:1 Tigers(Yamato hit a home run since 2014)
Fighters 1:2 Hawks(Yuki Saito of Fighters has pitched the first time this season)
Lions 5:7 Buffaloes(T-Okada of Buffaloes hit 4 RBIs)