There was the game of Hokkaido Nipponham Fighters vs Saitama Seibu Lions at Seibu Prince Dome, in August 27. Starting pitcher was Hirotoshi Takanashi of Fighters and Kona Takahashi of Lions. In the bottom of 3rd inning that the score is 1-1, Hideto Asamura of Lions hit a double from Takanashi, Lions lead by 2 points. But in the top of 5th inning, Brandon Laird of Fighters hit a grand slam, Fighters reversed that score of 5-4. The game proceeded as score is, Shohei Otani bat pinch‐hit in the top of 9th inning.
Otani was not feeling well so he missed the previous day’s game. In the impact, he did not hit only 10 balls in the batting practice before this game. But Otani hit a homerun over the center field fence, he arounded the base among the fan’s cheer. After that Sho Nakata also made a homerun, Fighters won the game that score of 7-4.
At 2 years ago, Otani achieved 10 wins and 10 home runs in the same year since 1918 season of Babe Ruth. So let’s compared their stats at that time.
・Babe Ruth(1918):13 win, 2.22 ERA for pitching. For batting, 317 at bat .300 average and 11 homerun.
・Shohei Otani(2014):11 win, 2.61 ERA for pitching. For batting, 212 at bat .274 average and 10 homerun.
But nobody achieved twice 10 wins and 10 home runs in the same year. Ruth was also 9 win and 29 homerun in 1919 season. Otani hit his 20th homer of 2016 season in this game, so let’s compared their stats.
・Babe Ruth(1919):9 win, 2.97 ERA for pitching. For batting, 432 at bat .322 average and 29 homerun.
・Shohei Otani(2016):8 win, 2.61 ERA for pitching. For batting, 244 at bat .340 average and 20 homerun.
AB/HR(At bats per homerun)of Otani is 8.2 in 2016 season, his stats is higher than 1919 stats of Ruth . If AB/HR of Otani apply to”at bat”of Ruth at 1919, Otani will hit 35 home run in this year! As a two-way player, it can be understood that his performance surpasses Ruth. The fans will hope for Otani that will achieve twice 10 wins and 10 home runs in the same year.
This youtube’s video is the pitching of Otani at the game of Japan national team vs MLB All-Stars in 2014. Otani hurled perfect inning of relief at that time, so he will be active definitely in Major League Baseball.